
Mitigate ransomware

Ever since the 1970’s people have been creating computer viruses to do all sorts of malicious things. And since the dawn of the Internet, attacks have been getting broader and more complex. Around 2006, seriously organized cyber criminals started becoming more...

Massive Data Breach Alert

Last week, a massive (90GB, 103M record on some 22M email addresses) database breach from an unknown source was disclosed by the website: What is known by security experts at this time: • Breach is being labelled as “db8151dd” and is from an...

Don’t let your guard down

Phishing emails make it through our spam filter, and it would probably get through yours. Unfortunately, there is only so much you can do technologically to block spam, phishing and spear phishing emails. Here are a few ways that you can protect your team from these...

Security and Remote Work

Businesses that can operate remotely are moving in that direction. At Smart Dolphins, we saw many Vancouver Island employers request that employees begin remote work last week. Some organizations are still in the process of transitioning to a work-from-home...

CVE-2020-0688 Alert

On Monday, March 10th, Microsoft announced that a recent vulnerability known as CVE-2020-0688 was actively being used by attackers to run commands as SYSTEM on Exchange mail servers. This provided them with the ability to gain full access to the server and potentially...

Beware of email phishing requests

Reduce exposure to spear fishing Spear phishing is alive and well and hackers are targeting our business community in sleepy Victoria, BC. Hackers lurk in the shadows targeting local businesses. They watch and wait for the most opportune time to prey upon them. ...

Why Encryption?

Encryption transforms data into a locked format that cannot be read without a key.You can encrypt stored data, data en route for communications and devices that may be used for storage. To unlock encrypted data, you need a key. Encryption is the best defense against...

Secure your mobile devices

Most businesses today often require employees to work remotely with mobile phones, tablets and other devices. Many professionals are using these devices at home and connecting to public wifi.   Here's 5 quick tips for basic protection to keep your mobile device...