Posts written by:

Ty Hedden

How IT roadmapping can bring your tech under control

January 26, 2023

Without a concrete plan in place, businesses tend to focus on the short term, ignoring less-frequent expenses, underfunding future productivity investments, and even missing their own business targets.

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Business continuity when you still need that server

April 19, 2022

Now that there is a viable cloud alternative for just about everything, there are some businesses that continue to need to maintain a server in their office. This can be used to accommodate substantial amounts of data that need to be readily accessible, like video or images. Or to host business applications that might not…

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Renewing business IT alignment

January 25, 2022

The past two years have brought unprecedented challenges and subsequent evolution to most businesses’ operations. Significant changes to process, office culture, and budgets were absorbed and tackled in record time. For many it started with a scramble and little warning of the urgent adaptations and investments necessary to stay working. New systems have become the…

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How to spot an email phishing scam

December 21, 2021

It takes just a couple of clicks to compromise your entire IT network. That’s it. Breaching your security can be so easy. Our advice to you is to shore up some easy to tackle security best practices.  You do not have to be a victim.  Email phishing is a tactic employed by hackers whereby they send an unsolicited email pretending to be someone…

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Ransomware targeting construction firms

December 15, 2021

While most medium-size construction operations are deeply reliant on technology, investment remains low compared to other industries. Over the years, we gained insight into some of the common problems with regards to IT that plague the sector, and we have some simple and easy to implement solutions to help navigate these challenges.  IT is perceived as a general expense   Technology needs…

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Public WiFi

December 6, 2021

Ever wonder why your Apple mobile device keeps asking you to connect to wireless networks that you have never heard of? Prevent your iPhone from connecting to public Wi-Fi with this quick tip.  So, you are waltzing down the street, happily connected to your carrier’s network, yet your phone keeps bugging you to connect to networks that you have…

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Guidelines for a good IT roadmap

November 10, 2021

Since you are reading this, and you happen to own or manage a small to medium sized business, you may be wondering, “what is an IT roadmap in the context of my business, and why would you need one?” First off, let’s consider your business size. If you currently have fewer than 10 computers, and…

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Conditional Access

October 12, 2021

In today’s modern workplaces, employees are accessing more and more company resources from remote locations creating a greater need for enhanced security. In response to these workplace shifts, Microsoft added Conditional Access to business premium licensing in 2019. This allowed businesses with fewer than 300 users to gain more comprehensive protection of their company data…

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Embracing the right cloud services

July 5, 2021

A little over a decade ago, when I was early in my IT career, “going paperless” was a trend buzzing in the small business world. Leaders of document management tools proclaimed they would put an end to paper and toner expenses. Today, we continue to see many printers and the printed document is ubiquitous in…

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Revisit the rush to work from home

May 4, 2021

Now is an ideal time to consider the technology changes that were made over the past 12 months.   Some business leaders are looking to bring more employees back into the office while others are looking to keep more employees working remotely long-term.    At Smart Dolphins, we witnessed some leaders opt for a distributed workforce model and this resulted in significant business changes. Some downsized their office space, hired new employees from abroad and reduced their office costs, in some cases by drastic amounts. But,…

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