Quick Skills

Public WiFi

Ever wonder why your Apple mobile device keeps asking you to connect to wireless networks that you have never heard of? Prevent your iPhone from connecting to public Wi-Fi with this quick tip.  So, you are waltzing down the street, happily connected to your carrier’s...

Get a docking station

I meet with many business professionals who often have nice laptops. Docking stations used to be expensive but they have come down in price. They can really do a lot for busy, productive professionals and will quickly pay for themselves.  I think the reason why I...

Collect files via OneDrive

With perpetual updates and the availability of so many features, it can be challenging to keep up with all that Microsoft cloud tools offer. We have found that many users are not aware that you can request files with OneDrive (yes, you do not need to be using...

Island Thrive

As of this writing, we have recorded our first 14 episodes of our new "Island Thrive" podcast. Although it is early in the learning curve, we're feeling optimistic that this is a great start to something impactful. We hope you agree. The podcast was a natural...

Mullet for May

Like many, COVID-19 has inspired my sense of community, company-mission and importance of team. That combined with too much social isolation and you end up with…a mullet!  I threw out the challenge to the Pod last week: let's raise some money for the Rapid Relief...

Increase your home Internet speed

Are you working from home right now? Chances are, you could be getting a better connection out of your home Internet connection with these simple tips. First things first, get a benchmark of what your current Internet speed is. Go to speedtest.net and perform a quick...

Check for data breaches

Want to know if your login credentials have been breached? Check out Have I Been Pwned: https://haveibeenpwned.com "Have I Been Pwned" is a specialized search engine which allows you to check your email address against known data breaches to tell you if you have been...


Have you ever received a file from someone and have suspicions that it might be unsafe to open?  Or wonder if a URL is safe to go to?  If so, you're in luck. VirusTotal offers free, comprehensive, quick and easy virus scanning with over 50 antivirus engines.  All you...

Sync your Google account in Chrome

Now that most of us largely operate in the cloud and have multiple computers, it's ideal to have the same browsing experience. Syncing your account in Google Chrome can help ease the transition and keep you productive. Here's how to do it: Simply, sign in to Chrome,...