
What is Modern IT?

October 24, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is The Cloud and why is it a great choice for SMBs?

July 4, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Empowering KidSport with Modern IT

May 17, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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We don’t know what we don’t know

April 14, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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How to enable your team to do more in the cloud

January 15, 2023

Today’s evolving workforce expects mobility, flexibility, and modern technology that unchains them from VPNs, on-premises servers, and bloated software. If there’s one technology that allows companies to provide these benefits without adding unnecessary complexity, it’s the cloud.

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How Microsoft 365 empowers users to do more and better

January 1, 2023

Today, a single subscription service like Microsoft 365 can empower users at any company to do more, faster, and better, while decreasing IT involvement as well as overhead costs.

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Microsoft Teams: why adopt guest and external access

March 25, 2022

Due to the health restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, the businesses community was forced to adopt hybrid work environments. In working remotely, people began relying more on Microsoft 365 tools to stay connected and for collaboration. Two years later, many professionals are now comfortable using Microsoft Teams. They work together on files, chat with…

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Level up your Microsoft 365 skills

March 4, 2022

Technical employee empowerment For decades the average professional has been able to get away with basic technology skills. If they could access the shared network drive and use Microsoft applications like Outlook, Word, and Excel, they would be able to perform their job well enough. Sure, every workplace may have had an Excel genius or…

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Working from anywhere, safely

February 2, 2022

The year 2022 is bringing yet another wave of challenges as we continue our parade of working from the office, working from home, or working while travelling. Now, many of us have been doing this for quite a while, thanks to our laptops, docks, home Wi-Fi etc. We are becoming increasingly comfortable with this level…

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Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience

January 31, 2022

Microsoft is making two significant changes which are getting conflated: price changes to Microsoft 365 seat-based subscriptions and the launching of the New Commerce Experience (NCE). Effective March 1, subscriptions will increase on average 15 per cent (depending on the SKU). At the same time as this increase, businesses will also need to adopt the…

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