Author: Jesse Smith

The mistakes of hopeful job seekers

We’re looking for a new tech support dolphin, as is no secret, and for a variety of reasons I have been far more involved in the hiring process than I would usually be. Sure I’ve been to a lot of interviews in the past, but Dave normally goes through our resumes and...

That Pesky Windows Key

Most people curse the Windows key and its awkward placement on their keyboards, but it can actually be quite useful if you understand how to use it. Here are a few simple and useful keyboard shortcuts that utilize the Windows key: Windows key + D: Show desktop Windows...

Shallows – Again

I just finished reading Shallows after hearing Dave’s recommendation earlier this month. What a great read. Shallows really speaks to me. I've noticed and commented to various people over the past few years how my ability to remember and absorb information has...

Reply to all

A few of us Smart Dolphins folk watched a webinar a few weeks ago on how to institute change in the workplace.  During one of the examples given in the webinar, the presenter suggested that Microsoft should remove the Reply to All button from Outlook. His thinking is...

What are centralized services, anyway?

This is a question that we hear a lot. Our prospects have not heard the term before and our existing clients need it redefined. It is no surprise that these questions come up….centralized services are nearly invisible. Like most things in IT, if they are working great...