What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

We’ve met with hundreds of organizations to explore their IT needs, and very few have come to us actively using the term “Managed Service Provider” (MSP) as a descriptor of what they’re looking for. This term needs to be better understood. Yet the IT service industry actively uses “MSP” to try to describe their offerings.…

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Empowering KidSport with Modern IT

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Happy Birthday Smart Dolphins!

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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We don’t know what we don’t know

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Hardware lifecycle plan

At some point, every computer will fail. The standard recommendation for businesses is to replace computers every 3 – 4 years. The maximum lifecycle for a computer is 5 years. Organizations often try to extend the lifecycle of a PC to trim IT costs. Unfortunately, this attempt to cut costs is an oversight that results…

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Laptop replacement

I have had my laptop for around 4 years and it runs nearly as well today as the day I got it. A trusted friend, she is. The interesting part of this: I am typing this on a new laptop. Replacing a perfectly fine laptop might sound a little silly. Maybe this is a sign…

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The Mustard Seed Victoria pie off

Every year the Mustard Seed holds a pie-off to raise funds for their organization. Dave Monahan, Smart Dolphins President takes the pie-off challenge. Learn more at: https://mustardseed.ca/yyjpieoff/

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Proactive IT services

I’m not sure you’ve heard, but Smart Dolphins is proactive in our approach to IT management. What does Proactive mean? Proactive means doing the IT work that isn’t simply in response to unexpected client needs. Sounds easy enough in theory, but in practice it is challenging to do in any significant quantities. Reactive IT work…

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