MFI Testimonial

Nick Mason, Director of Marketing and IT of Megson Fitzpatrick shares his testimony of Smart Dolphins IT Solutions. Megson FitzPatrick was founded in 1968. Their core purpose is to improve the lives of their “Clients, Team & Community.” To submit an online a quote or for a list of locations, please visit their website at:…

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Proactive IT Service

When I joined the Smart Dolphins team this year, I came in with 15 years of experience being in business. What I was about to learn – not just about IT, but about business – was momentous. In short, it’s this: The vast majority of people think about IT all wrong. I was on that…

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I think I best reveal a secret: I’m not as Smart as I’ve let on. Okay, well, maybe that isn’t much of a secret. I’ve bragged recently about changes to our IT support fees and shared some of the stuff we have done to be more successful. Well, I’m here to admit that I might…

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Fixed IT support fees

In 2015, we underwent an operational renovation where we began to charge a fixed monthly IT support fee. At that time, the vital part of our renovation was to change our arrangements with our customers to a fixed, “all-inclusive” monthly fee. This, as opposed to charging a fee that was simply based on the amount of work that we did, for example, an hourly rate. …

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What are centralized services, anyway?

This is a question that we hear a lot. Our prospects have not heard the term before and our existing clients need it redefined. It is no surprise that these questions come up….centralized services are nearly invisible. Like most things in IT, if they are working great then you will barely notice them. So, what…

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