A Real-Life Email Scam

Email scams are a significant risk for small businesses; ignoring them can have devastating consequences. We’re sharing a cautionary tale about a real-life email scam targeting a small business and how they ultimately avoided the fallout.

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What is IT Empowerment?

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is Modern IT?

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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We don’t know what we don’t know

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Six essential steps to IT planning

I recently shared my thoughts on why good IT planning drives business success, and how a lack of IT planning results in technical debt. Unfortunately, we continue to meet with business leaders whose IT is a mess due to poor IT planning. Too many leaders continue to have a firefighting approach to IT: fires pop up…

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