Advancing Small Businesses Through Generative AI

In the dynamic realm of business, adopting the latest technological innovations often signifies a path to growth. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), finding cost-effective strategies to outpace competitors is crucial. A significant breakthrough in this area is the advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), a leap forward from traditional AI and automation. This technology…

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A Real-Life Email Scam

Email scams are a significant risk for small businesses; ignoring them can have devastating consequences. We’re sharing a cautionary tale about a real-life email scam targeting a small business and how they ultimately avoided the fallout.

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What is IT Empowerment?

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is Modern IT?

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

We’ve met with hundreds of organizations to explore their IT needs, and very few have come to us actively using the term “Managed Service Provider” (MSP) as a descriptor of what they’re looking for. This term needs to be better understood. Yet the IT service industry actively uses “MSP” to try to describe their offerings.…

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Empowering KidSport with Modern IT

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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Happy Birthday Smart Dolphins!

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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We don’t know what we don’t know

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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