Posts written by:

Andrew Rivett

What is The Cloud and why is it a great choice for SMBs?

July 4, 2023

The paradigm shift of better IT affects any company that wants to elevate its operational maturity level, regardless of the starting point. This is becoming a competitive imperative, given the benefits.

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How Microsoft 365 empowers users to do more and better

January 1, 2023

Today, a single subscription service like Microsoft 365 can empower users at any company to do more, faster, and better, while decreasing IT involvement as well as overhead costs.

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Email Security

January 6, 2022

Email is not secure. It has never been secure, and little has changed since its invention by Ray Tomlinson back in 1971.   Fast forward to 2022 and most business leaders and end users are aware of the risks of email phishing. Most also know that it is a primary way for hackers to gain access to sensitive company data, however,…

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Rethink your Microsoft 365 and AD password policy

September 8, 2021

Malicious hackers have an enormous trove of common passwords they can use to try and access your network. These lists demonstrate how weak common password choices tend to be. Some common examples of passwords highlight how important a password policy can be: 11111112345678abc123PasswordSuperman A small business employee has an average of 85 passwords that they…

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Microsoft 365 and shared user accounts

June 22, 2021

Shared user accounts are often adopted in situations where a business may have multiple people who need access to the same resources on their network. This happens in situations for example, with roles like reception or with maintenance personnel. All these employees share the same email address, and they access shared files and applications. While…

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How to prevent a data breach

March 25, 2021

It has never been easier to share and collaborate with co-workers on data than now. Saying that, let’s be sure we protect our sensitive company information against the threats that cloud-based computing accelerates. Historically, you may have had an internal policy that lays out the standards for protecting data on your laptop or when using…

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The rogue IT Admin

February 13, 2020

74% of data breaches involved privileged credential abuse.  Who has access to private data at your business? What policies do you have in place to ensure that your internal IT department is accountable? When it comes to user access, every organization needs to: Limit privileged access. Ensure restricted access to: infrastructure, databases, network devices, cloud…

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Gamify your tasks with Habitica

July 11, 2017

Building good habits is a lot of work, and while rewarding on a cosmic scale, you don’t always get immediate feedback that you’re doing something good for yourself. If you’re like me, you’ve longed for someone to transform these sometimes tedious tasks into a simple, interactive RPG-style mini-game! Wait no longer, try Habitica. Habitica is…

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Smart mobile security

July 19, 2016

Alongside the explosion of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies comes the rise of mobile malware. Take precaution and install a mobile security app. Sophos is a FREE lightweight antivirus and security app. It was the winner of the AV-Test Award in 2015 and contains no advertising. Key features include: Malware protection Loss and theft protection…

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Covert with Zamzar

June 1, 2015

Covert your file formats without shady software. Ever needed to covert a file – perhaps a video file so that you could play it on a different device, or an image to a different format – and had to scour the Internet for programs shadier than that guy with a trench coat in the alley?…

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