Dave Monahan
Chief Executive Officer
I founded Smart Dolphins IT Solutions on May 1st 2000 out of the back room of my house. Initially, Smart Dolphins was created to fulfill the work experience requirement of my technology schooling, but it was clear that I had started something that was valuable to the world and so I have continued to build this value over the past two decades.
As we’ve grown and hired more Dolphins, I have moved away from the technology side and now focus on working on the business. For me, the cup is ALWAYS half full – I’m happy with our success and growth, but I always know we can do more and do things better. I am thirsty for business knowledge and skills and I’m always looking to borrow ideas from others who have been successful. This has driven Smart Dolphins to continuously adapt and embrace new industry best practices and ultimately led us to adopting the world class managed IT services approach that we deliver today.
Today, I continue to focus on thought leadership, growth and building an award-winning team and workplace. Trust me, you don’t want to ask me to resolve your IT challenges! There are REAL Smart Dolphins here for that!
- Bachelor of Economics, University of Victoria
- Application and Management of Information Technology Program (AMIT), University of Victoria
IT Specialization
- IT leadership
- IT management
- Managed IT services
- Business development
- Thought leadership
- Business systems and management
- Change management