Posts written by:

Werner Baron

Working from anywhere, safely

February 2, 2022

The year 2022 is bringing yet another wave of challenges as we continue our parade of working from the office, working from home, or working while travelling. Now, many of us have been doing this for quite a while, thanks to our laptops, docks, home Wi-Fi etc. We are becoming increasingly comfortable with this level…

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What is CIS Control, Security Controls, and Cyber Defense

September 24, 2021

Learn the importance of CIS control and cyber defense and the role they play in the success of your network infrastructure. We share a lot about security. We do this to protect your company, network, data, and most importantly, your clients from cyber threats. We also do this because businesses today require a layered approach…

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Linkedin data leak

July 5, 2021

On June 22nd, a user of a popular hacker forum, advertised for sale data from 700 million LinkedIn users. The user posted a sample of the data that includes 1 million LinkedIn users. The sample was found to contain the following information: Email addresses Full names Phone numbers Physical addresses Geolocation records LinkedIn username and…

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Centralized services: the bigger picture

July 1, 2021

As you may know, working together (rather than in a silo), will typically provide better results — this is also very much the case in the world of IT. While managing 10-20 computers at a single office may appear simple to tech-savvy individuals, what often becomes problematic is a lack of depth and broad experience…

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Modern backup management: every incremental backup counts

April 13, 2021

Technology continues to play an even greater role in core business activities and therefore protecting those assets is now more important than ever. The best way to deal with the growing reliance on technology and data is with modern backup management. Backups have long been a standard in good IT management, but testing those backups…

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Journey to the Cloud

December 9, 2020

Currently, how you conduct business, take care of your technology needs and go about your personal life may often change due to the pandemic. During the spring, many business leaders shifted quickly to remote work environments. Others continue to consider making that change. Despite the direction your business took as a result of the pandemic,…

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10-billion email addresses

November 24, 2020

Have you ever been to the website Well, it is one resource that we recommend you visit as soon as possible. At the website Have I been PWND you can search your email accounts to see if you have been involved in any known security breaches. The odds are you will have at least…

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No more email spiral!

August 21, 2020

Way back in 2015, President Dave Monahan, shared the Email Charter – 10 rules to resversing the email spiral. Fast forward to 2020 and most of what was laid out in the charter only applies to external communication for anyone using Microsoft Teams. With Teams you have less email clutter, as messaging replaces much of what…

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Data protection while working from home

July 31, 2020

Many of you are now working from home, have a good set up with computers, screens, and chairs and are getting used to the remote situation. Now that you are all set, have you considered data privacy and protection? If you are working with company data and are working at home, you need to be…

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Mitigate ransomware

July 14, 2020

Ever since the 1970’s people have been creating computer viruses to do all sorts of malicious things. And since the dawn of the Internet, attacks have been getting broader and more complex. Around 2006, seriously organized cyber criminals started becoming more active by using an ever-expanding toolkit to do damage or extract money or information from companies. The term malware grew out of…

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